
In times of emotional and financial upheaval, book Pat for a workshop that uses humor to relieve stress and spark creativity. The following workshops can be customized to fill time periods ranging from 1 to 4 hours and make perfect programs for businesses that want to boost the power of their all-important human resources and employees who are stressed or facing job loss. Pat also helps those facing all types of losses to re-write their stories using a humor perspective.

A Funny Thing Happened: Bringing Your Humorous Tales to the Page

Every one has an amusing story to tell. Let humorist Pat Snyder help you take your own funny stories from amusing to amazing, using techniques that humor writers use. This workshop that will teach you to brainstorm, draft, share, review and revise your own stories, compile them into a collection as family gift books, family reunion collections or blogs, incorporate them into speeches you give at work and in the community, and even find publication outlets to share them with the world.

Good Grief: Why Am I Laughing At A Time Like This?

Grief can’t be laughed away. But finding humor during the grieving process can give us a needed vacation from the trenches of grief and hope that life goes on.

Pat Snyder, twice widowed, will show how the techniques she used for finding humor in an overbooked life can also help find humor in times of loss. Her workshop, suitable for those who are grieving and the professionals who support them, also surveys the latest research on bereavement and interventions that work.

Belly Laugh To Your Aha! Moment (general audience)

Scientific studies show that humor boosts creativity. And that’s no laughing matter. The mental twists and turns we take to “get the joke” could be just the re-wiring we need to find a cure for cancer, a new market for eco-friendly cleaning cloths, or even fix a paper jam in the copier. Join humorist Pat Snyder to explore how humor can solve your problems, boost your creativity, or move you forward on your next project.

Belly Laugh To Your Aha! Moment (for writers)

Scientific studies show that humor boosts creativity. That’s why you don’t have to be a humor writer to benefit from this writers workshop. Anyone who has ever experienced writers block is welcome. The mental twists and turns we take to “get the joke” could be just the re-wiring we need to find our story arc, improve our timing, or incorporate a touch of humor into any genre. Join humorist Pat Snyder to explore how humor works and try some creativity-boosting exercises.

Book Pat for a workshop by contacting her. Fees vary depending on the length of event and location.

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Is Your Life a Balancing Act?

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“Balancing Tips” Newsletter Archives

Pat has issued a number of newsletters with tips and resources for getting your overbooked life back in balance. Click here for copies of past issues that you might find helpful.