Social Networking and the Law of Distraction


Life is weird. My last post was about the value of vision boards and the Law of Attraction. My last column was about how I was setting out to make 1,000 online friends via social networking to promote my upcoming book, The Dog Ate My Planner.

Suddenly, I’ve been sucked into the Law of Distraction. Oops. Hard to keep focus on my vision board when I’m adding contacts, answering or sending (or trying to) tweets, reading what someone’s posted on my Facebook wall.

Tuesday evening, I’m attending a seminar (online, of course) with Julie Morgenstern, who’s known for her time management/organizing books, including Never Check Email in the Morning.

Any questions you’d like me to ask her about how to keep focus with social networking in your life? Or have you already got your tweets under control?

Please share away!

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2 Responses

  1. Just so confused! Tried Googling to see if anyone has written a how to organize your time online with all the social networking out there..came across your blog and looks like you need help too!

    Think I will google Julie to see if she has any thoghts on the subject. Thanks!

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